This could probably be the title for a very long time! No news yet.
However, I ask that you pray fervently as Christians about our parental rights. Two very disturbing and disappointing news stories came out in the last 2 weeks. The first being that England has declared christian couples unfit to be adoptive or foster parents (I believe this still has the opportunity to be overturned). While initially, you may be thinking "That is another country and I don't want to adopt or foster." However, I challenge you to think about what this really means. This has the potential to eventually trickle down to you and your fitness as a parent. Right now the issue is in connection with homosexuality beliefs but if Satan has his way, it won't stop there. Remember, God tells us that Satan roams the earth looking to steal, kill and destroy. What easier way that to take your children from you. Also, I am not sure of the exact percentage, but around 90% of the families who choose to adopt/foster are Christians. What will happen to all the orphaned children? Please pray with me that England with see the error of this decision.
The second story comes from Ethiopia. They have decided (effective last week) to cut their adoption referrals by 95%!!!! Essentially, that is about 5 referrals a day. I am not sure what has sparked this decision but again, what will happen to the children waiting for a loving family home? Will they die, diseased and alone? Will they ever find a mom and a dad to love them?
What if something awful happened and you and your spouse died? Where would your children go? To a relative? What if the government decided that either your relative wasn't suitable to be a parent or that they can only process 5 children a day and there are 100's of thousands before your child?
I want nothing more than to get my two little girls safely home with me. But I will not ignore the enormous need for other families to join me in fighting for the rights of all these orphans and our children already home with us. I wish I could take them all in myself. However, I can't do it alone. Do you realize that if every christian family took in one orphan, there would be no orphans? I am not trying to make you feel guilty or even say that you must adopt. That is something you need to address with God. What I do know is His commandment in James 1:27:
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
My life goal is to get to heaven and hear God say, "Well done, my good and faithful servant."