Soon to be Six!

Soon to be Six!
First Family Photo

Friday, April 8, 2011

Mother Russia, here we come!

We received a wonderful surprise on Monday.  Our agency called with our referral (a very fun story!).  So we will be off to Russia soon to see our two beautiful little daughters.   God is so good!  His fingerprints are all over this.  So thankful for that.  Not sure I could do it if I knew God wasn't involved.

Prayer Requests:
  • Safe travels
  • God's perfect timing for travel, court, etc.
  • Both girls remain healthy and their hearts are open to our love
  • for Luke & Silas to adjust well to the crazy travel schedules as well as our new "normal" when the girls come home.
  • God's glory will shine in the lives of these two precious girls


  1. WOW-That was so fast!!! Congrats!! Blessings, Ginger

  2. Wow! So exciting! I'm so happy for you all, but admit INTENSE jealousy as our adoption is stuck in spam-land. When do you all travel?

  3. Thanks Ginger & Kristi!
    Kristi, we don't know when we are traveling yet. We are still waiting for that call. It is killing us to know the girls are there (have been for over a year!) and we can't go get them until the Russian government tells us we can. God's timing, God's timing, God's timing. I have to keep telling myself that! Sorry to hear you got stuck in spam-land. How frustrating! God is big though and he can make up for lost time.
